Emotional eating is a relatively common problem for both men and women. If you eat in response to your feelings , especially when you are not hungry, you are an emotional eater. Emotional eating means your emotions -- not your body -- dictate when and/or how much you eat. Some emotional eaters binge when they are sad or confused ; for others, eating can be a way of avoiding thinking about problems or taking the action required to solve them. If we'd eat for comfort by reaching into our crisper drawer, we'd be OK. Are You an Emotional Eater? You are an emotional eaters if you answer yes to any of the following questions: Do you often eat without realizing it? Do you ever feel guilty or ashamed after eating? Do you eat alone or at odd locations, such as parked in your car outside your home? After an unpleasant experience, like a heated argument, do you just go eat? Do you crave specific foods when you're upset, such as always wanting a chocolate bar when you feel mad? Do you feel the urge to eat when you watch food being advertised on TV? Do you eat when you are tired or bored? Does chewing on something make you feel better when you're down? In this course, you will learn how to handle the daily emotionally stresses most people experience that leads them to overeat. Emotional Freedom Techniques, or E.F.T., is an effective tool that can bring successful results for physical, emotional, and health problems. If your fitness or general health needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues that need resolving before you can see improvements.
    Are you struggling with your weight loss ? Are you looking for a quick home workout to lose weight ? Are you stuck in a miserable cycle of losing and gaining the same weight week after week, and month after month? Are you tired and frustrated with giving your best effort but being let down with products that don’t work? If you answered yes to any, or all of these questions then let me introduce you to your answer. This course will give you the best workout routines for fat loss that you have ever tried. Your 10 Minute Weight Loss Solution workout was designed o get you, and keep you in the heart rate zones for fat loss. Not only will you learn all of my belly fat loss tricks to melt your unwanted weight forever. You will get the most complete understanding of how to create good diets for fat loss, and the tools to help you gain your ultimate success. So, what exactly are you going to learn in this amazing course: Busting the Weight Loss Myths: unlearning the “common knowledge” that has been hurting your progress. The Weight Loss Equation : the very simple equation that will maximize all of your belly fat loss tricks. Your 10 Minute Weight Loss Solution Workout : your workout program of losing fat fast exercises. And so much more. In this complete quick at home workout to lose weight you will be given a step-by-step tutorial on how to master your weight loss journey. I am a master fitness coach, master weight loss coach, and diet planning & weight management specialist . Before I became all of that I was an obese grad student weighting 317lbs. I lost over 130lbs+ and have kept it off since 2012. Since 2013 I have been helping others reach their weight loss goals using the same knowledge I used, and the same knowledge you are going to learn here in this course. Enroll today and get your risk-free 30 day money back guaranteed access to your key to weight loss success TODAY !
      This course is an 'ACCELERATED WEIGHT LOSS PLAN' that can help students to LOSE UP TO 14LBS JUST 1 WEEK! Unlike other diets, the suppressed appetite and quick initial WEIGHT LOSS you’ll get with this plan will provide huge motivation and encouragement to continue on your WEIGHT LOSS journey. This diet should be followed exactly as outlined for the full 7 days in order to get a good psychological boost and to make you realise that you can actually LOSE WEIGHT! The plan is effective on its own and does not require any physical exercise to aid with WEIGHT LOSS .  This makes it ideal for anyone who has difficulty exercising due to physical immobility or for those struggling to make time in their day for an exercise routine. This diet has taken months of research and testing by the author who having tried numerous variations of food sources and quantities, has now managed to develop a SECRET WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA that allowed her to LOSE A TOTAL OF 14.3LBS of STUBBORN FAT in JUST 1 WEEK! The diet has been SPECIALLY FORMULATED using UNIQUE NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE to ensure the student is including the OPTIMUM PERCENTAGE OF MACRONUTRIENTS needed to PROMOTE GOOD HEALTH and PROVIDE EXCELLENT WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS! The diet includes a total of 21 FAT BURNING MEALS that are broken down into 3 meals per day over the course of 1 week. These meals should be eaten within a specific window of time to maximise weight loss results (more on this later). A number of options have been provided for those with food allergies or intolerances such as: Day 2 being ‘DAIRY FREE’ but including EGGS, FISH & POULTRY. Day 3 being ‘FISH FREE’ but including DAIRY, EGGS & POULTRY. Day 5 being ‘EGG FREE’ but including DAIRY, FISH & POULTRY Day 6 being ‘DAIRY & POULTRY FREE’ but including EGGS & FISH and Day 7 being ‘DAIRY, EGGS, FISH & POULTRY FREE but including NUTS & SEEDS
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        *Create a "NEW YOU" in 2017! *Find out what over 6000 professionals, just like you, have been learning about losing weight FAST, even with a BUSY lifestyle. Is this course for you? As a busy professional, have you gained more weight than you would like? Has the business of life made it hard to lose weight through traditional diet and exercise? Are you frustrated with not reaching your weight loss goals? Is that extra weight making going to work hard, being with family a drag, and going out with friends a thing of the past? Are you frustrated with "diets" and "dieting", and find them impossible to stay on with your busy lifestyle? THEN WEIGHT LOSS MASTERY FOR THE BUSY PROFESSIONAL IS FOR YOU! Are you a busy professional who works all day, gets home after dark and does not have the energy to do anything else but sit on the couch and watch T.V.? Does losing weight sound like an impossible task? Has your health and fitness declined as a result of your busy schedule? If you are like me and most busy professionals, you have tried many weight loss programs, fads, and diets and become overwhelmed, confused, and stressed and have given up. If you go to the bookstore today or type weight loss into your search engine you will find a multitude of weight loss books, programs, and dieting advice. Where do you start? Who do you believe? It all becomes too overwhelming to even start at times. WHAT ARE STUDENTS SAYING? "Great information that can be put to use in stages. I found it easy to work Dr. Weir's leanings into my everyday life, and have lost over 20 pounds in the last month and a half! " - Chuck "Dr. Weir does an excellent job at bringing a science based weight loss system to the everyday person. I love how he breaks the system into bite sized chunks that are easy to follow." - Kyna Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional Simplify's Weight Loss To Give You A Confident Mastery Over Your Body To Shed Pounds, Look Sexy, Have More Energy And Feel Young! Confidently HACK your nervous system to make it loose the weight for you Learn why "dieting" just does not work Easily increase your metabolism to burn fat even when your not exercising Find the missing motivation to not only shed pounds, but keep them off Detoxify and heal your digestive system and gut for sustained weight loss Balance your adrenal glands for better sleep and less stress Find an understanding as to why other "diet plans" have not worked for you Learn a sustainable exercise program Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional, comes with the Udemy 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose, EXCEPT THE WEIGHT! Loose 20-60 pounds in 2 to 6 month and keep it off...even if you are busy, have a job, and no energy! Meet your teacher: My name is Dr. Michael Weir, and I am a wellness based chiropractor with over a decade in private practice, helping my busy, professional patients reach their fullest health potentials. I found very early on in my practice that holding extra pounds or being overweight was a huge detriment to my patients feeling great, being out of pain, and living the lives they deserved, BUT they were confused and frustrated with trying to lose that weight through traditional dieting and diet plans. Not only that, most of my patients work in the tech industry, sitting at a computer for 8 to 12 hours a day. Finding the time to lose weight was simply an impossibility. This is why I created this course seven years ago and have delivered it to thousands of people. We are all looking for answers to our health and healing, and Weight Loss Mastery will help give you those answers to help you loose weight. My back ground and post-doctorate education is in the field of "chiropractic neurology" which is the study of the brain and nervous system and the ways to help it with out the use of drugs or surgery. Having this back ground showed me how vital the brain is to EVERYTHING we do. It is the master computer and without it working well, there is no way we can be healthy. This is one of the reasons I spend as much time as I do talking about the brain and nervous system in Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional...without our brains leading the charge towards weight loss there is no way we can lose weight and sustain that weight loss. One of the things that greatly separate me from some other teachers is that I am still in daily private practice working one on one with my patients just like you in the real world. This gives me an advantage in teaching you, because I get to sit down every day and hear what the real world struggles are. The struggles of a lack of time to pursue weight loss (this is why I originally developed the "Metaboost System" to help speed up your weight loss process with minimal time spent), or the "yoyo" effect that my patients were getting when they would lose weight just to have it come right back (as I really dug deep with my patients I found this was because their brains were not in the right place to keep weight off and this is why the psychology portion of this course is so important). As I find new ways to help my patients lose their weight I will share this with you, with brand new course material over the life time of this course. What is Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional? Weight Loss Mastery is about demystifying weight loss and what it takes to be healthy. Its six simple tools to help you loose weight in a simple, uncomplicated way. In the United States we have made weight loss and dieting into such a complex thing that most people are defeated before they even start a program. Dieting has become about counting calories, points, labels, work outs, etc, which can be overwhelming, stressful, and plain not fun. Weight Loss Mastery gives you the tools, the knowledge, and the motivation to make weight loss a part of your life, instead of molding your life around a certain diet or dieting plan. Why Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional? I have found in over a decade private practice that if my busy patients did not make lifestyle changes there was no way that they would be able to 1) loose weight and 2) even if they did lose weight they had a terrible time sustaining and keeping the weight off. That is why I wanted to make a program and a course that was easy to make into a life style. I wanted to make it something that you look forward to instead of dreading. Life should not be stressful and loosing weight should not be either. The other piece of the weight loss puzzle that is all too often over looked is the psychology and neurology of weight loss. If you do not have the motivation, or the tools to keep your head in the game of loosing weight it is very hard to maintain. In this course, I show you how to stay on track, how to fight off discouragement, and stay in the weight loss game. Don't forget that with Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional, you have the Udemy 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee! Is Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional a diet? Weight Loss Mastery is not a diet in the traditional sense, because I HATE DIETS AND DIETING! There is a reason that the first three letters of dieting are "DIE". I will not assume that I know what kinds of foods you like or what types of allergies you may have by giving you a cook book or a set of "rules" that you have to follow. Rules, stress,, dieting, counting, boring foods and fads are not sustainable and I want this lifestyle to be sustainable for you for the rest of your life. So, I am going to give you the knowledge of what foods are good, and what foods are bad, then show you how to create awesome meals that taste good and that you enjoy. Dieting Does Not Work, lets find something that does! Lets find a way to have fun, eat great food, and loose weight in the process. That's Weight Loss Mastery. Do I have to exercise while doing Weight Loss Mastery For Busy Professionals? Exercise in our country has become this weirdly complex, almost elite thing. You have to be a "member" and do certain "routines". Well let me complicate and demystify exercise...exercise should be fun, you should be able to do it ANYWHERE, and it should be something we can sustain. I am going to show you how to do this in this course. I know what you are thinking, that you have TOO much weight to loose and can YOU really loose 20-60 pounds? Well the answer is yes! Science has shown this to be true and I have seen it over and over with my patients. The answer is more simple than you have been lead to believe, its about getting your brain working in you favor instead of fighting against you constantly, its about getting your metabolism turned ON instead of turning it off (which is what most traditional dieting plans or exercise plans do), and its about getting your physiology (your body) turned in a direction that your pounds fall off. 10 Point Checklist When Evaluating If This Course (Or Any Course) Is Right For You Over the years I have attended hundreds of seminars, and have taken countless online course. I know what works and what doesn't. I have found that all good courses share the following list of positive traits, and I have (and will continue to) made these my goals when creating Weight Loss Mastery for the Busy Professional for you. 1. All great courses start at an easily understandable level. Over the years working with my patients I have found that if I do not lay a really good foundation for them we can not build. This is why Weight Loss Mastery starts with the psychology and the neurology. We want to start with a very easy to understand foundation so that we can build from that. 2. A great course is typically taught by some one who is walking the walk and not simply talking the talk. Simply put, they are taught by someone who is daily doing the work they are teaching. As I talked about earlier, I am in daily private practice working with patients just like you. I hear all of their struggles, their road blocks and know what it takes to fight through those. Too many teachers today are not in the trenches and simply talking the talk. I always tell my patients that you wouldn't hire a financial planner who lives on the streets. Find teachers who are walking this walk with you, not simply talking the talk. 3. All great courses typically teach you how to work smarter, not harder. Now don't get me wrong here, anything worse fighting for is going to take a lot of hard work. I hope you already know that about weight loss. What Weight Loss Mastery for the Busy Professional has done is to give you a program to not make it any harder than it needs to be. We do this a lot in our world today, we make things harder than they need to be. My goal with this course was to give you direction to make weight loss as simple as possible, to help you work with your body, in a smarter way, than to fight up against. 4. A great course puts you in an environment in which you are surrounded by like minded people who are pursuing a common goal, or interest. In an online environment like Udemy, the course must give you the opportunity to be a part of discussion boards or groups. This is one of the reasons that I love Udemy is that they have a built in community. Community in a journey toward weight loss is very important. It gives you a place to realize that you are not alone. It gives you people to ask questions to if you are getting stuck. My favorite part of community is that you can share your success with them! Weight Loss Mastery for the Busy Professional has this is spades with its online discussion board. 5. A great course asks really good questions and finds the root of the problem that the learners are asking. I always tell my patients that in order to figure out what is wrong with them we need to get to the root, or the cause of the problem. Often in our world today we simply cover over symptoms, and never find the root cause of a problem. I was finding this over and over with my patients weight loss journeys early in my career, and I started to ask some different questions. "Why is it so hard for people to lose weight and then keep it off?". The answer I found is the foundation of Weight Loss Mastery and one of the first lessons we teach. It is my philosophy that without answering this one question you will never be able to have consistency in your weight loss journey. 6. Lastly, a great course should have material that you should be able to take action on immediatly, and begin seeing tangible results right away. In my profession that may mean I learn a new technique that I can take back to my office on Monday morning and begin helping my patients. I created Weight Loss Mastery so that every single step that we outline can be actionable as soon as you end the lesson. This is so important because I have found so often that most weight loss strategies require special equipment or the right gym, and not taking immediate action can be the end of your weight loss journey right there. The more that you procrastinate on taking action, the less likely it is that you will follow through. After each lesson, I have an action step, or steps to take immediate action on. This creates momentum and momentum leads to results! 30 Day Trial of Weight Loss Mastery For Busy Professionals You really wouldn't believe how excited I am for you to join me in this course, and bring your health and fitness to its greatest potencial! I know though, that this course may not be for every one out there. Every one is at a different point in their journey, so if you are for any reason unhappy with the results you are seeing from Weight Loss Mastery I want you to find a program that is going to work for you. So, if for any reason you aren't happy with the results you are seeing from Weight Loss Mastery For The Busy Professional, you have the Udemy 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. So you have absolutely not one thing to lose...except that extra weight is keeping you from your greatest potential! Isn't it time that you finally moved past your battle with weight loss, and concurred your goals? Join me today and together, we will MASTER your weight loss!
          Learn How To Lose Weight & Keep It Off For Good By Using Proven Science-Based Strategies Hi, I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. This course is designed for anyone who wants to lose fat, be healthy and feel great. My Weight Loss & Nutrition Course is not some random fad diet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn't eat. Instead I will take you through each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet . Unfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of diet plans and supplements that are overpriced and don't work. This is why I wanted to create a video course that not only debunks the most common weight loss myths but also teaches everything you need to know to lose weight, get your dream body and live a healthier life. Here Is What's Inside The Program : The Theory & Science Behind Weight Loss The Most Common Weight Loss Myths Debunked The Weight Loss Pyramid The Science Of Successful Weight Loss The REAL Fat Loss Foods (They Aren't What You Think) Setting Up Your Weight Loss Diet (Step-By-Step) Determining Your Daily Calorie Needs Ideal Protein Intake For Weight Loss Ideal Carbohydrate Intake For Weight Loss Ideal Fat Intake For Weight Loss The Right Meal Timing & Meal Frequency Designing Your Ideal Meal Plan Fat Loss Supplements That Really Work How To Solve Common Dieting Problem: The Perfect Cheat Meals That Won't Break Your Diet How To Take Diet Breaks Correctly How To Break Through Fat Loss Plateaus Explaining Sudden Weight Changes Is Starvation Mode Real? Creating Healthy Eating Habits: The Best Sources Of Healthy Protein The Best Sources Of Healthy Carbs The Best Sources Of Healthy Fats How To Make Small Changes To Your Diet That Will Have A Big Impact Weight Loss Motivation: How To Set SMART Weight Loss Goals How To Track Your Progress Correctly Determining Your Ideal Rate Of Weight Loss How To Stop Relying On Willpower To Lose Weight How To Use Role Models For Faster Weight Loss All In All The Program Includes Over 35 Lessons On Weight Loss And Successful Dieting So If You Want To Lose Weight, Feel Great And Live A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For You This course is great for anyone and will help with weight loss over 50, fat loss for men and fat loss for women. It will teach you proper meal planning that is ideal for your fat loss diet and fat loss plans to achieve weight loss mastery. Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start building your perfect diet today !
            *JOIN OVER 13,000 STUDENTS WHO HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL AT LOSING WEIGHT. Have you been struggling... With your weight loss? Finding a weight loss program that works, only to gain all your weight back after you quit your program? To lose weight and fat around your belly? hips? thighs? waist? arms? With fitting into your favorite clothes or jeans anymore? With dramatic weight gain? With gaining muscle or building lean, fat burning muscle mass? With embarrassment from being seen in your bathing suit? From low confidence and self esteem? With Sadness ? Depression ? Getting winded from walking up a small flight of stairs? So how do you lose weight and get ripped without spending THOUSANDS of dollars on... A gym membership $40-$149/month Fitness classes $180-$349/month Personal training: $60-$100/session. Typically at 2-4 sessions per week Semi-private training: $20-$40/session. Typically at 2-4 sessions per week See how this can all start to add up? Don't get me wrong here, I believe that your health is absolutely worth it. Treating your body right with the proper diet and exercise program is not only a means of losing weight, getting a ripped physique, and showing off your six pack abs. Exercise and eating right can save you tens or HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars of the years on doctors appointments, physical therapists, medications, and even surgeries. Note: It doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, or what kind of shape you are in. I've trained college athletes, new moms, 72+ year old grandmothers, and people who have never worked out in their lives. This weight loss program has worked for every single one of them. They have all seen sustainable, REAL weight loss . They have all gotten in the best shape of their lives sticking to this program. About This Course More than 21- Five star reviews No previous exercise experience required No previous cooking skills necessary Full lifetime access Free future course updates, bonus features, and new workouts. I'm continuing to add new material to the course, and you get it for FREE. By enrolling in this course, you can start losing weight with techniques that you can apply right now! You'll Learn... Why popular diet and exercise programs DON'T WORK for lasting weight loss. Exactly what you have been doing that is wrecking your body, and ruining your weight loss. What you need to be eating to see real weight loss and transform your body . Simple tricks you can use every day to master your weight loss and trim inches off of your waist line . How to put your weigh loss into overdrive, and burn more calories from fat than you would on other weight loss programs. Why strength training and building muscle is ideal for weight loss. Why weight loss is better when you STOP counting calories . How to make 5 star quality meals IN MINUTES , that will enhance your weight loss. How cheating on your diet is GREAT for weight loss. How you can see incredible weight loss results by working out at home Why spending less time working out (80% less), is better for weight loss and building muscle. Different time-saving exercise routines that can help you build muscle lose weight And so much more... When I was nearly 50 pounds overweight , I knew I needed to change, but I had no idea where to start. I'm sure you're feeling the same way right now. The joke that the average person loses hundreds of pounds over the course of their life is completely true. Most of you have gone on diets before , lost weight, got burnt out, started binge eating, and gained back all of your weight and more. This endless cycle will destroy your health, and prevent you losing weight that you have been struggling with. By the end of this course you'll have everything you need to lose weight and build muscle in your legs, arms, and stomach. You will know exactly how to lose weight , keep it off forever, and melt all of that stubborn body fat you have been hanging onto for years. I've made some of my most important lectures on how to lose weight available for FREE preview so you know exactly what you are getting. *Get These Added Bonuses When you Sign Up Today How to Effortlessly Make 5 Star Quality Meals to lose weight The 7 Factors of Fat Loss Downloadable E-book Stepping up Your Game with The Fat Loss Food Guide Bonus Weight Loss Workout: The Total Body Burpee Clincher One note in closing... *Every minute you hesitate to start a diet and exercise program, you are stepping further, and further away from the body you deserve. The body you've always wanted. The reality is, you are much closer now than you even know. There is a better way to lose weight and body fat than what you've seen on the infomercials and in magazines. If you are looking at this course right now, you know something needs to change in your life. *Please, don't put your health off any longer. Start to lose weight now, and potentially change your life forever... This course is going to give you everything that you need to lose weight and keep it off FOR LIFE. Think about this: For the price of this course you would ONLY be able to afford 4 personal training sessions with me, and then they would be gone. *That doesn't include t he hundreds of dollars you would spend on a gym membership, nutrition consulting, and group classes. Remember that this is a risk free way to make that change. If you aren't happy in 30 days, you have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Click "take this course" and lose weight while building the body of your dreams now. I can't wait to see and hear about your results. See you soon! -Jack W.
              UPDATED OCTOBER 2018 WITH MORE HELPFUL NUTRITION INFORMATION & TIPS TO HELP YOU TRANSFORM YOUR BODY, HEALTH & LIFE! The 30 in 45 Weight Loss & Body Transformation Program is not a diet!....This is a lifestyle modification and body transformation program the produces the lasting and sustainable changes and results you desire. You see diets are designed to fail, heck, the first three letters of DIET spell DIE, in fact I argue that diets actually lead to the death of weight loss. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines diet as: "A regimen of eating or drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight ". But, with the 30 in 45 program there are no restrictions on how much you can eat and no counting calories. With this program you eat whenever you are hungry as long as you eat from the prescribed list of acceptable foods which is liberal in choice and even better one day per week you MUST indulge yourself and eat anything and everything you want.This includes pizza, cupcakes, fried foods, pancakes, beer, cheesecake and anything else you desire (although only once every 7 days). Additionally, the 30 in 45 program allows you to workout at home with no equipment other than your own bodyweight for as little as 48 minutes a week. It’s perfect for anyone who is truly serious about taking control of their weight, health, and future.
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                How to lose weight fast ? How to lose belly fat ? What is the fastest way to lose weight ? And What is the best weight loss diet ? Is there any specific diet plan ? What about low carbohydrate diet ? Well, I heard that there could be weight loss pills or medications ? And when to go for weight loss surgeries ? Lose weight calculator ? No Carbs Diet ? In this course we'll answer all of the previous questions, provided by what you can call as a weight loss clinic :D This course have been made short as much as possible and containing the information that everyone should know to start losing his weight. Being Evidence-Based, it would be as healthy as possible to you ^_^ I myself lost 23 Ibs as I was preparing this course! which took me about 6 weeks to be done, as I was applying the tips in it for the first time in my daily life. In this course you will introduced to the true meaning of obesity and methods to measure it medically! After that we'll walk you through the methods and timeline of your planning to lose weight! Habits that you should obtain or avoid will be discussed as well We'll get to know more about FAT? is there any benefit out of fat? And how is it related to diseases and obesity? How to manage these conditions? How to keep this organ balanced and get rid of excess fat? The best way to lose your way in healthy pattern? No more myths! This is an evidence-based medicine course for everyone The information provided from the resource of (Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 20th edition)
                  The Problem with Working Out and Eating Right Finding the time to workout and eat right can be a HUGE inconvenience to you and your schedule. Who has the time to spend 5-10 hours per week in the gym anyway? Plus, that doesn't even include the 1-2 hours per day that you could spend in the kitchen steaming broccoli and boiling chicken. Gross! What about the raw cost of having a gym membership, fitness classes, and a personal training? The True cost of Your Health So how do you lose weight, lose body fat, and get ripped without spending your valuable time, and THOUSANDS of dollars on... A gym membership: $40-$149/month Fitness classes: $180-$349/month Personal training: $60-$100/session. *(Typically at 2-4 sessions per week to see results) Semi-private training: $20-$40/session. *(Also recommended 2-4 sessions per week) **Keep in mind, most people need at LEAST 8-12 months of training to get to their goals and make this a habit.** See how this can all start to add up? Don't get me wrong here, I believe that your health and your body is absolutely worth it. Treating your body right with the proper diet and exercise program isn't just a means of losing weight, getting a ripped physique, and showing off your six pack abs. Exercise and eating right can save you tens or HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars over the years on doctors appointments, physical therapists, medications, and even surgeries. " So what's the solution here? Is there a legitimate weight loss and fat loss solution that doesn't take up so much time and dry out your bank account?" The Ideal Strategy for Weight Loss and Fat Loss The optimal time to workout and make healthy decisions for your weight loss goals is first thing in the morning. And the best place to workout, is in the comfort of your own home. Seriously! All you need is a little space in your house, and your own body weight to exercise. No equipment required! By kicking off your morning with a brief, intense workout and a healthy breakfast, you'll be 2-3x more likely to eat healthier and make healthier decisions throughout the rest of your busy day. And within a month, you will lose 4-10 pounds. And after that month, you will lose more weight, and those decisions will start to become habits. And after 4-6 months, those habits will become a lifestyle. You will lose weight, lose stubborn belly fat, and transform your body. That's when weight loss becomes EFFORTLESS! By performing just one 15 minute circuit training workout in the morning, and following it up with a healthy breakfast, that stubborn weight and fat will just start falling off of you . **"Can You Really lose Weight and Belly Fat With 15 Minute Workouts?"** Absolutely! Here's why... By starting off your day with a series of batched, healthy habits you are going to be inspired and motivated to make healthy choices throughout the rest of you day, and that's the true key to weight loss. It's all about getting every day started on the right foot! You will want to eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that you don't wreck your progress, and that alone will help you lose several pounds of fat every month. Plus, working out in the morning is going to help you... Increase your energy for the rest of the day Build lean muscle tissue and increase your resting metabolism Make you a happier, more positive, more productive human being! Keeping it Simple Will Make You Successful Let me let you in on a little something. I have trained 100+ clients in person, and over 30,000 online . 95% of all of my clients and customers want to lose weight and look incredible, but don't have the time, money, or resources to lose fat and make that change. Want to know what has made them successful? Simplicity! Small changes Simple Diets Brief, intense workouts that you can do at home (or anywhere!) How This Course Will Change Your Life Here's just a little idea of how small, healthy changes can make a massive difference. This is a review that Paul W. left me after taking one of my other health and fitness courses. "I know the title sounds a bit over-the-top but it is actually true. I'm one of those people that Jack mentions in the course who don't have time to exercise so I decided to give his 10 day food challenge a go. It went so well for me I decided to stick with it. I've been going for 7 weeks now and I've lost just over 6 kilos (about 12 pounds) and counting. Without any exercise whatsoever. I got rid of processed foods, I eat very little dairy now (I can't resist a bit of cheese every now and again!), I make decent healthy snacks to eat during the day, make sure I have breakfast every day, drink plenty of water and green tea and it has made a huge difference. I feel better and have more energy but most of all, the weight is coming off. I haven't set any mad targets, I see this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet, I'm looking at it long term. I don't want to be in shape just for summer. I want it to be a permanent thing. I know that at some point I will need to do some exercise to get all the weight off but it's going to be so much easier with the start I've got from Jack's plan. " -Paul W. The best parts about Paul's story is that he didn't even workout! He just made small changes to his daily routine, and used a similar diet to the one I include in this course. Think about how much weight you will be able to lose on this program by adding 15 minute workouts to your morning. Look at the time and money that you are going to save by using this program, instead of going to the gym and hiring a trainer. What's the risk? Try this Course 100% Risk Free The answer is, there is none! You can try this 15 minute morning routine course for 30 days, and if you aren't happy with your results you can get 100% of your money back. If this isn't the right weight loss and fat loss solution for you, I want you to find one that is, even if it isn't mine. Otherwise, if this sounds like the perfect weight loss solution for you all you have to do it click "take this course" and we'll get started. I can't wait to hear from you! - Jack
                    Hi, My name is Ivan Nikolov. I teach the "7 Unorthodox No-diet Rules for Achieving Ideal Body Weight" course. Let me tell you a bit about this course... This course is for you if you fall into any of the categories: This course is for you if you describe yourself as “overweight" or “obese" , and you've continuously suffered failures with weight loss diets! This course is for you if you are of normal weight and want to know how to maintain it for life or simply want to know how to enjoy a healthy living by making the right nutrition-related choices! What this course IS NOT... This course is not about dieting. The rules mentioned in this course ARE NOT A DIET! This course does not give an “Eat all you want and lose weight" type of advice! This course is not about a nutrition trend that is hot now but will be rejected or even forgotten in the future! What this course IS... An ORIGINAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL content that is entirely based on my own study of nutrition and movement for a period nearly quarter of a century as a competitive natural body builder, personal trainer and nutrition consultant, as well as an avid health and functional fitness enthusiast. An unorthodox but simple and intuitive set of rules that will serve you for a lifetime. This course lays down the simple truths about why we are so screwed up health-wise and how to undo the damage by simply doing what the human body is well adapted to reacting favorably to and avoid what it is ill adapted to reacting favorably to.